Saturday, July 18, 2015

AJ Harmon- Chicago: a shot to the heart changes everything

This is another new to me author and I was excited to receive an ARC from her.  This story was captivating, interesting and took me no time at all to read.  I read this in one sitting- I couldn't put it down.  To me, that's proof of a good book and a good writer! 

I wasn't sure where this story was going at first, but I enjoyed the characters.  Alex and Charlie, brother and sister from a well-to-do family in Charleston, Mia and Smith, Police Officers in Chicago.  This story is sweet, sad and felt quite realistic.  It was easy to get lost in their world and what was happening to them.  I enjoyed the closeness of Alex's family and the way he fell for Mia.  They weren't looking for each other when life brought them together.  She tried to fight it but found that life had changed when Alex appeared in her life. I will definitely be reading more from this author! 

Chicago here


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