What happens when his mission is to get the girl?
Find out in the conclusion of The Elite Forces Series in
FIRE by Kathy Coopmans & Hilary Storm. #MilitaryRomance
The moment you think you have it all is when it vanishes right before your eyes.
He had one final mission, but who knew it would go wrong? Kaleb Maverick is now fighting for his life. The life he wants to share with the woman he loves. The Fire inside him not only burns for her, it sizzles.
Jade Elliott has lost one man in her life. She's determined not to lose another. The coldness in her heart can't handle another loss like that. She refuses to let Kaleb go.
He's the Fire to her Ice. She's the Ice to his Fire. Together they cause an explosion so hot that someone is bound to get torched.
Love, a word never on my radar, has now taken over my existence. My world revolves around this man.
I’m in love with him because of the deep connection I felt the second I saw him and dealing with the torture of this week has only intensified my feelings. My mind went crazy, thinking of everything he went through, as I examined all of the marks on his body. I can tell he was whipped many times. The wounds are starting to heal, but I’m afraid the surface scars will always be there. And I don’t even want to think about the internal scars something like this would bring.
I don’t care what he looks like or how much this will torment him. He takes me and I take him just the way he is. He’s been point blank about wanting me from the first day we met, and now it’s time I match his determination. His blastoff introduction to have me on my knees that first day could’ve so easily gone a different way. I’m just glad I felt the connection the second I laid my eyes on him.

Ice (Book One)
View the Ice Book Trailer HERE:

My Review
This book picked up right where the last book left off. I was anxiously awaiting this story because I was completed captured by the story. You can see my review of Ice here. And you definitely need to read that book in order to know what the heck is going on in this book! Emotions are running high from the very beginning of this story. This book has loss, love, family and friends. It's a good combination, as are these 2 authors! I was completely hooked into the continuation of Kaleb and Jade's story. I enjoy how we get each of their perspectives and we know what is going through their heads as things happen around them. The chemistry is off the charts between them and they get each other.
This book made me feel all the feels. It's definitely intense and I had to find out how everything would turn out. It kept me captivated and I didn't want to put it down. To me, that's a good book! When I finished this book and learned we get Harris' story next, I may or may not have raised my fist in the air. I'm so glad Kathy and Hilary will be bringing us another story. Their writing is seamless and they make a dynamic duo. If you like a lot of action, hot alpha males and steamy romance, then go get this book right now!
About the Authors:
Kathy Coopmans
Amazon Best Selling Author Kathy Coopmans, lives in Michigan with her husband Tony where they have two grown sons.
After raising her children she decided to publish her first book and retiring from being a hairstylist.
She now writes full time.
She's a huge sports fan with her favorite being Football and Tennis.
She's a giver and will do anything she can to help another person succeed!
Hilary Storm
Hilary Storm lives with her high school sweetheart and three children in Oklahoma. She drives her husband crazy talking about book characters everyday like they are real people. She graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with an MBA in Accounting. Her passions include being a mom, writing, reading, photography, music, mocha coffee, and spending time with friends and family. She is the international best-selling author of the Rebel Walking Series, Bryant Brothers Series, Inked Brothers Series, and Six.