Thursday, October 29, 2015

Rebecca Zanetti - Take the Storm: Episode 6 (Rising Storm)

I received this book as an ARC.  This concept is completely fascinating and I've been spellbound from each of these books.  This is my first book from Rebecca Zanetti and I enjoyed it and also how this series has brought new authors into my life! 

Sebastian Rush.... He may be a good looking guy but I can't help but think creeper! I wouldn't touch him with a 10 ft pole!  I'm waiting for things to blow up in his face! Luis and Mallory... You two are quite the pair and definitely know how to attract attention. Shew! And I'm definitely loving Marcus and Brittany. I hope these two work out, despite their pasts and families. 

Oh, Patrick.  He's the patient, loving kind and Marisol has a lot on her plate.  He wants more from her.  He's steady, reliable and has been in love with her for awhile.  Will she be able to let go and love Patrick? You need to read to find out!

We, the reader, feel the storm brewing big time in this book. I just wonder whose secret will be revealed first. There's so much happening in these episodes, you know it'll be quite the storm...

Secrets, Sex and Scandals … 

Welcome to Storm, Texas, where passion runs hot, desire runs deep, and secrets have the power to destroy… Get ready. The storm is coming. 

Marisol Moreno has spent her youth taking care of her younger siblings. Now, with her sister, Ginny, in crisis, and her brother in the throes of his first real relationship, she doesn’t have time for anything else. Especially not the overtures of the incredibly compelling Patrick Murphy. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kate McKinley - So I Married A Highlander excerpt

Pre-order your copy today!!  Get it from Amazon

A Lady’s Rules of Etiquette When Eloping: 

1. A lady should never leave a note behind explaining her intentions. 

2. If by chance a note has been left behind, a lady must prepare to be hunted down and the ceremony thwarted. 

3. In such a case, seeking consolation with a night of excessive drinking will be tempting, but ill advised. 

4. And lastly, a lady must never, under any 
circumstances, wake up manacled to a deliciously handsome Highlander. 

Lady Evelyn Alexander has managed to break all four rules in the space of an evening—and the tall, virile Highlander she accidentally married is only the beginning. Her fiancé has also mysteriously gone missing and the threat of scandal is hot on their heels… 

Alec McAllister has no use for a wife, but when he wakes up entwined with the lovely and spirited Evelyn, he’s willing to reconsider. He’ll help her find her fiancé, but when the passions ignite between them, it’s only a matter of time before the Highlander claims what’s his…



Scotland 1815

“Are you certain you want to do this?”

Evelyn Alexander glanced at the man next to her, and smiled. “Would I have come all this way if I weren’t?”

Indeed, she’d never been more certain about anything in all of her twenty years. Well, perhaps that wasn’t entirely true. She was quite certain, for instance, that her brother, Lucas, would flay her alive when he’d discovered what she’d done.

Protective didn’t even begin to describe his character, and when he learned she’d eloped with Stephen Crawford—the man he’d explicitly refused—there would be no end to his outrage. 

But Lucas was married now, and it was high time she tended to her own happiness. She was almost, very nearly, practically one and twenty, and old enough to make her own decisions. If she waited for Lucas to find her a suitable husband, she’d be in her dotage before the wedding vows were spoken.

It was early evening when she and Stephen finally arrived at the small village just outside England. Gretna Green. Evelyn glanced out of the carriage window and tried to calm her scattered nerves. Never would she have guessed she would be married here, in a clandestine ceremony, without her brother and her closest friends in attendance. It was a hollow feeling and she tried, unsuccessfully, to wish it away. 

What did it matter, in the end? It was only a ceremony—a mere detail. More important was that she would finally be settled with a situation of her own—a house, a family.

As the driver helped Evelyn alight from the carriage, her gaze scanned the small, picturesque village. Several clay cottages dotted a single dirt lane—all wedding shops of some variety, and all bustling with life. 

Stephen stepped out behind her. He was large, over six feet, with blond hair, startling green eyes, and a smile that had enslaved every debutante in London. Thankfully, he was completely oblivious to the effect he had on women—which was, perhaps, what Evelyn admired most about him.

“Shall we settle in, then see about finding a blacksmith?”  

Evelyn swallowed. “My brother will be upon us in two days—and we should be headed back toward London by then. Perhaps you should secure a room at the inn while I find the blacksmith to marry us. It will save time.” 

There was an infamous blacksmith, she understood, Mr. Lindon, who performed the marriage ceremonies. In such a small village, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find him. With any luck, they would have this whole business dispatched within the space of an hour, and she would at last be Mrs. Stephen Crawford.  

“Yes, of course.” Stephen bent over her gloved hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles. “I won’t be a moment.”

A quarter of an hour later, she was cursing Mr. Lindon’s infamy. When she finally found his shop, the aptly named Anvil of Love, it was bustling. A queue that began at the front door was wrapped around the squat, whitewashed building like a serpent. Couples of every age and situation stood in the dwindling sunlight, waiting their turn to be wed.

Evelyn bit her bottom lip in frustration. All her hopes for a quick, simple wedding were dashed.

She whirled around and latched on to the first person she saw—a young pageboy who teetered along the narrow lane, both arms filled with packages.

“Pardon me,” she called. The boy stopped, his tower of packages leaning precariously to one side. Evelyn held out her hand to prevent one of the packages from slipping. “I’m very sorry,” she said. “Can you tell me, is Mr. Lindon the only blacksmith in town?”

Surely there must be others—especially given that Gretna Green was a popular destination for elopement.

The boy—who could be no older than twelve—looked slightly confused by her question. “Alec McAllister is just down the lane.” He lifted his chin to indicate a dirt road that disappeared down the gently sloping hill. “But ye donna want to disturb him…”

“Thank you.” She took a shilling from her reticule and placed it one of the more secure-looking packages. “You are very kind.”

“Wait, miss—”

But she was already halfway down the lane, her boots crunching in the gravel, her reticule swinging loosely from her fingertips. She would find this Mr. McAllister, and he would marry her to Stephen. If he didn’t wish to be disturbed, well, she had plenty of money to put him in a hospitable mood.

Not several feet past the cluster of shops stood a small barn, its doors wide open, and the name McAllister etched into a sign above the door.

As Evelyn approached, she caught sight of the man himself. He was much younger than she imagined. Tall with dark hair, and tanned skin. He wore a tattered green and blue plaid kilt, but was otherwise completely unclothed from the waist up. His biceps flexed as he brought a mallet down onto a glowing, red-hot horseshoe.

Evelyn stood, mesmerized, at the threshold of his workshop, unable to speak. She’d never seen an unclothed man before. She’d seen illustrations, certainly, in the medical books her brother kept in his library. But seeing the male specimen in the flesh was rather…diverting, to say the very least. 

Every muscle and sinew flexed as he moved, a fine sheen of sweat coating his skin. It should have repulsed her, but something inside stirred at the sight of him. He was miles different from the men in her circle, so unlike the finely tailored men she knew. He was rough and untamed. Beautiful.

“Is there something ye want?” he asked brusquely.

Evelyn blinked. He’d stopped hammering and was now staring at her, the mallet hanging limply at his side. Dark hair fell over a pair of chocolate-colored eyes that looked into her so keenly, she felt as though the air had been drawn forcibly from her lungs. His sharp nose and angular features gave him a harsh, masculine appearance that caused every female cell in her body to sigh in approval. 

She cleared her throat, her cheeks flushing. “I’m looking for Mr. McAllister. My fiancé and I—”

“No’ interested.” And just like that, he turned his attention back to his work, bringing his mallet down again, the forceful blow causing the windows to rattle in their frames.

“You didn’t even allow me to finish…”

“I know what ye want, and I’m no’ interested. Good day to ye.” 

If Evelyn weren’t mistaken, she’d say she’d just been dismissed. The very idea! Evelyn Alexander was never dismissed. And if by some absurd twist of fate she were, it certainly wouldn’t be by a blacksmith. A woman of breeding did have her standards, after all.

Balling her hands into fists, she stepped forward, and schooled her features into pleasant civility. It was a tactic she often used in society. An amiable smile and a calm countenance could smooth even the most ruffled of feathers. “If you please, sir, we are just looking for someone to officiate. It would be most kind of you to help us.”

“Mr. Lindon is down the lane.” He continued to hammer at the horseshoe, never glancing up at her. 

“I’ve just arrived from there, in fact, and the queue is horribly long. Seeing as you have no queue, I don’t see why you can’t do us this small favor.”

Mr. McAllister straightened to his full height, tossed his mallet to the ground and stalked toward her. He was quite tall—shockingly so—and at this very moment, he wore a scowl that would have stricken fear into even the bravest of men.  

But Evelyn was sister to the most powerful duke in England, and she would not be cowed. And if she felt a little faint, well, that was to be expected. In their haste to cross the border, she and Stephen had skipped lunch. She was hungry. Famished, really. It certainly had nothing to do with the grimace stretched across Mr. McAllister’s too-handsome face, or the way he moved toward her like a prowling leopard.

“And where is this man ye are so eager to marry?” He growled the words, his tone tight and angry.

Despite her resolve, her voice wavered when she spoke. “I…He is parking the carriage.” She shook her head. No, heavens, that was the driver’s task. What was it about this man that flustered her so completely? No man had ever affected her this way. “I meant to say, he’s securing a room at the inn. He will only be a moment.”

 His lip curled up into the semblance of a half smile. “Were ye my lass, I wouldna leave you alone for a heartbeat.”

He was close now, his tanned, glistening body within arms length. All she had to do was reach out, and her fingertips would meet with taut, molded flesh. She clenched her hands at her sides. “What you would or would not do is of little consequence, Mr. McAllister. I am not yours, nor will I ever be. I’m here to marry Stephen Crawford.”

This entire conversation was ridiculous, and not a little coarse. She’d never ventured into Scotland before today, but thus far, the rumors had proven true. Scottish society was rough and unrefined. Utterly uncivilized. Or perhaps it was just Mr. McAllister who was uncivilized. It seemed unfair to blame an entire country for one man’s lack of manners.   

He continued to advance, forcing her to retreat several steps, until her back met with the smooth surface of the wall. She swallowed. Perhaps she was a bit beyond her depth here.

In London, she navigated society with ease and confidence. She understood London’s intricate, often contradictory rules, and knew how to twist them to her advantage. Here…It appeared there were no rules—none that she could distinguish, in any event. And that realization was more frightening than she cared to admit—she had no compass for a world without rules.

Leaning in, he placed both hands against the wall, one on either side of her head. She was trapped. Completely caged in. Her heart hammered against her ribs as she considered her options.  Scream, faint, or fight—or perhaps she could manage a combination of all three.  Fainting, in particular, sounded quite tempting.

“Do ye love him?”

The words were so gentle, so calmly spoken that they caught her off guard. She blinked up at him, unsure what to say. True, unfailing, everlasting love was nothing more than a fantasy, a lie embroidered by poets and novelists. Though they’d told her brother it was love when they’d asked his permission to marry, it had been stretching the truth. They felt a mutual regard for one another, which was more than most marriages could boast.

“Love is not a requirement for marriage.” 

He laughed at that, a low rumble that she felt all the way to her toes. “Sassenach.”

The unfamiliar word rolled of his tongue, and right down her spine. Loath as she was to admit it, even to herself, she was affected by him. Her cheeks flushed, her heart raced, and she had the wholly inexplicable desire to press her lips to his.

What would they taste like, she wondered?

Stephen was the only man she’d ever kissed, and he had tasted…clean, like brandy with a dash of mint. She doubted this barbarian would taste as agreeable. Indeed, he would likely taste of spirits and soot. And yet, the desire to push up onto her tiptoes and sample his full, enticing lips, was nothing like she’d ever felt before.

Shaking herself mentally, she forced the thought away. Soon-to-be married women had no business thinking about other men’s lips, even if they did look tempting and utterly kissable.

“Mr. McAllister, if you married us, I would be much…obliged to you.”

The word obliged tasted sour on her tongue. As a duke’s sister, she’d never been obliged to anyone. But she was growing desperate. There were only two blacksmiths in town, and the sun was quickly setting. Her brother, or someone in his employ, was doubtless headed this way. She and Stephen must marry tonight, or risk not marrying at all. And the thought of returning to London unmarried was too humiliating to contemplate.

“Alec,” he said.

Evelyn lifted a brow. “Pardon?”

“Call me Alec.”

“No, I think not.”

His body was close, far more close than was proper. He dipped his head and the feel of his warm breath brushed across her cheek. “Call me Alec.” Each word was slow and clipped—a command, not a request. 

Addressing this man by his Christian name went against her every instinct, but she wasn’t in a position to argue. She’d call him Great Uncle Sam if it got her any closer to matrimony. “Alec, will you please marry us?”

He considered her for a moment. “I’ll make ye a proposition.”

A proposition. Dear heavens, the way the word rolled off his tongue, languid and seductive, left her in no doubt of his meaning. He wanted something from her, and for the first time in her life, she wondered if the price might be too high.

“No proposition.” The words emerged in a panicked rush. “A simple yes or no will suffice.” Please don’t refuse.

He pressed the lower half of his body against her, his hands still braced on either side of her head. She sucked in a shocked breath, too nonplussed to move. She’d never been this close to a man, this intimately connected, and the sensation was—she swallowed—unsettling.

“I will marry ye to the Sassenach for one kiss. That’s my price.”

Her eyes went wide. He was joking, certainly. Except, he wasn’t. The way he looked at her, his eyes dark, hungry, was evidence enough that his request was sincere. Ridiculous, but nonetheless sincere.

“Release me, or I will scream,” she said calmly. Though why she was telling him instead of simply doing it, she couldn’t say. Something strange was happening to her, that was all she knew for certain. She was dizzy, breathless, and it felt as though her legs had suddenly lost all their strength.

His lips curved into a delicious smile. “One kiss.”

“I will pay you one shilling. Two shillings? A pound…” Good heavens, she’d give him all the money in her reticule if he’d only stop behaving as though she were a gazelle, and he were a starving leopard. “Whatever you want, it’s yours.”

“What I want” —his smile deepened—“is a kiss.” 

Drat. He would use her own words against her.

Evelyn huffed out a breath. “Surely money would be of more use to you. You could purchase a shirt, for instance.” He scowled and she lifted her hands. “Just tossing out ideas.”

He shifted his hips, just slightly, and something inside her lit like kindling. White-hot heat spread through her limbs, pooling low in her belly. She felt feverish, faint, and she very nearly swayed, but caught herself.

“I believe I am ill.” She drew in several deep breaths in a vain attempt to calm her racing heart. “My heart feels as though it will beat right out of my chest, and I can’t seem to breathe properly. Perhaps I’d better sit down.”

He laughed at that, a low rumble in his chest that just seemed to make her condition worse, if that were possible. “Ye aren’t ill, lass. What ye feel now is desire.”

The word desire sank in slowly.

She blinked at him. “Oh.”

Well, that certainly explained it. She had little experience with the feeling—none, in fact. She’d felt fondness, certainly. Esteem, perhaps. But this strange energy humming through her veins now was entirely foreign to her. 

She analyzed that for a moment. He was beautiful—rough and masculine, so different from the gentlemen in London. And even if she didn’t approve of her body’s response to him, physiologically speaking, it made sense. He was male, she was female. The odd symptoms she was experiencing were natural reactions, and for some reason, that thought comforted her.

 “Now, about that kiss…”

She shook her head. “That, I’m afraid, will never—”

Before she could finish refusing his outlandish request, he dipped his head and pressed his lips hard against hers. Stunned, she lifted her hands to his chest, her fingernails digging into his smooth flesh. He was all hard, unyielding muscle, likely honed from years of swinging that damnable mallet. There was nothing soft or gentle or refined about this man.

And yet, when he deepened the kiss, she melted into him. She should pull away. She should slap him across the face. She should do anything other than what she was doing, which was sinking into his kiss, drinking in the hot, spicy taste of him.

Still, one stray thought flittered across her mind: How had she lived her entire life without ever experiencing this?

Just then, the sound of footsteps approached.

Evelyn was jolted out of her haze. Dear God, what was she doing? What was she allowing him to do?

She jerked back, while at the same time, pushing Alec away. He fell back easily, looking just as shaken and confused as she felt. He retreated a few paces more, as though in a daze, just as someone appeared in the doorway. She recognized the tall, muscular frame instantly.

It was Stephen.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Nalini Singh - Rock Redemption

This is the 4th book in the Rock Kiss series. And they just keep getting better and better! Wowwww! THIS BOOK! Completely gutted me. For reals. I was rooting for Noah and Kit in previous books but to finally see their story unfold...

It's completely heartbreaking, emotional, sad and yet oh so sweet. There is so much more than what meets the eye with Noah, and Kit brings out the best in him. Also, he continually roots for her and is her biggest cheerleader. He was a total jackass to her but thankfully their friendship held through the turbulence. Be still my heart. 

The chemistry between them was more than sex. In fact, it had very little to do with sex and about two people completing the other and being what the other needed, without thought. Their journey was a long road but worth it. I LOVE how Nalini pulls you into the middle of their world, their chaos and the reader can't help but fall in love with her characters. There is a genuineness to them that draws you toward them and grabs ahold of you until the end of the book. 

This book was magnificent and I couldn't put it down.  Good thing too, because by the time I got to it, it was about to be released back to the library! ha.  I enjoyed watching as the band performed and we got to see the musical side to Noah's life, same with Kit and her acting job.  I highly recommend this book and this series, but if you haven't read any of the other books yet, you will need to start with Rock Addiction.  

From New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh comes the next contemporary romance in the Rock Kiss series… 

Kit Devigny could have loved rock guitarist Noah St. John. Their friendship burned with the promise of intense passion and searing tenderness…until the night Noah deliberately shattered her heart. 

Noah knows he destroyed something precious the night he chose to betray Kit, but he’d rather she hate him than learn his darkest secret. All he has left is his music. It’s his saving grace, but it doesn’t silence the voices that keep him up at night. Chasing oblivion through endless one-night-stands, he earns a few hours’ sleep and his bad boy reputation. 

When a media error sees Noah and Kit dubbed the new “it” couple, Kit discovers her chance at the role of a lifetime hinges on riding the media wave. Wanting—needing—to give Kit this, even if he can’t give her everything, Noah agrees to play the adoring boyfriend. Only the illusion is suddenly too real, too painful, too beautiful…and it may be too late for the redemption of Noah St. John.

Jennifer Probst - Catch Me release blitz


Today we are celebrating the release of CATCH ME, the 1st novella in the Steele Brothers series. This is an adult erotic romance series, and a new book from this series will be releasing each week. Check out the links below for each book, and a giveaway for some signed books from Jennifer Probst!


CATCH ME (Steele Brothers, #1)

CATCH ME Synopsis:

Rick Steele has avoided relationships since he caught his fiancée cheating, but when his friend refers him to the exclusive agency, FANTA-C to experience the night of his dreams, he's not prepared for his emotional and physical reaction to his date. Tara shows him a raw passion and honesty he’s never encountered. For the first time, Rick wants more than one night, but he needs to catch her first... Tara Denton escaped a brutal past and needs one night with a stranger to get beyond her sexual and emotional limitations. On the brink of recovering her strength and independence, she wants nothing to do with a relationship. But Rick Steele does more than rock her body…he rocks her heart. Tara has to make a choice, but is she ready to get caught?



PLAY ME (Steele Brothers, #2)

Re-releasing November 3rd

PLAY ME Synopsis:

Professional gambler Sloane Keller is tired of dating weak willed men and longs to meet a man who challenges her dominant personality and forces her to submit. As the Queen of Cards, she’s used to making her own rules and craves the excitement of Vegas. But her inner heart cries out for someone who can be her match, both inside the casino and in the bedroom.

As the new dealer in town, Roman Steele is burnt out on women looking for a quick penny and a man to follow. He craves a woman with fire in her soul and a keen intellect who can challenge him. When his brother recommends the exclusive agency, FANTA-C to give him one perfect night, Rome is amazed at the complicated woman who challenges both his body and soul. But when the evening is over, will she be gutsy enough to offer him forever?


DARE ME (Steele Brothers, #3)

Re-releasing November 10th

DARE ME Synopsis:

As a military leader back from the war, and the youngest of his two dominant older brothers, Rafe Steele struggles with a secret. He craves surrender in the bedroom under the controlled hands of a Dominatrix. When his brothers offer him an experience through the exclusive agency, FANTA-C, he jumps at the chance to experience one perfect night. After one experiment, he’s sure he’ll be able to move on. But he never counted on Summer Preston to strip down his walls and make him want more so much more...

An elementary school teacher with a girl next door, fresh face, Summer is constantly barraged by men who want to take care of her, but she longs to meet a strong man who can handle her dominant ways in the bedroom. Trapped in her own storybook life, she books a one-night stand to finally experience her fantasy. But she never counted on Rafe Steele to push her boundaries in both the bedroom...and her heart.


BEG ME (Steele Brothers, #4)

Brand New Release - Coming November 17th

BEG ME Synopsis:

Remington Steele comes to Vegas to be with his brothers and try to get over the one woman he's never been able to forget. As childhood sweethearts, she hadn't been able to handle his Dominant tendencies, choosing to run away without a good-bye. But when he's suddenly face to face with Cara Winters, all grown up and finally ready to be his, Remington needs to make his own choice. To leave the past behind forever, or forgive and be with the woman he's always loved?

Cara wasn't ready to be the type of woman Remington needed in his life, so she disappeared and broke his heart. But she's changed, and is ready to embrace the woman she always craved to be. She begs him to take her for one night, and Remington finally agrees. Will they get a second chance at love, or are the scars from their past too deep to heal?



CATCH ME (Steele Brothers series, #1)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo



PLAY ME (Steele Brothers series, #2)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo


DARE ME (Steele Brothers series, #3)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo


BEG ME (Steele Brothers series, #4)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo


Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst - Bio: 

 Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again.

She makes her home in Upstate New York with the whole crew. Her sons keep her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean. She is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her book, The Marriage Bargain, was ranked #6 on Amazon's Best Books for 2012. She loves hearing from readers. Visit her website for updates on new releases and her street team at


Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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Kathy Coopmans - The Wrath of Cain review and excerpt

I had the opportunity to meet Kathy Coopmans a few months back when she was at an author event I attended. She's awesome! This was my first chance to read a book of hers and when I had the opportunity for an ARC, I jumped on it. SO GLAD I DID!! This book is fantastic. 

I was completely captivated from the very beginning. Young love that turned out to be so. much. more. Wow! The plot kept getting thicker and thicker. The chemistry between Cain and Calla is smoking hot! I enjoyed getting to see what Calla meant to Cain. Neither of them were prepared for the repercussions brought from seeing each other again. Calla had no idea the lengths Cain would go to keep her safe and Calla thought her task would be easy. She couldn't hide her true feelings from her first love. Cain showed Calla what she meant to him and he softened around her.

For the most part I enjoyed this story. It moved very quickly but at one point it felt a little over the top and forced. However, I still enjoyed it.  I wasn't sure what to expect with this story but never would I have imagined all that happened here. Whew! I was definitely on the edge of my seat during parts of this book. It held my attention and the ending was intense. Definitely looking forward to the next book!

Watch the Wrath unfold!  Clubs. Mafia. Drugs. Murder. And the man they all know as Scarface, will leave you guessing in 

book one of this brand new series... 

Eloped at the age of eighteen. Separated at the age of eighteen. Disappeared at the age of eighteen. This is what happened to Calla Greer. Her perfect life was shattered on her wedding day when she caught her husband Cain with another woman just hours after they said I do. With her heart broken, she moves across the border to Windsor, Canada to get away from the nightmare she stumbled upon. Hell bent on going to college and fulfilling her dream of becoming a lawyer. 

After six long years of still being married, Calla returns to Detroit to have Cain sign divorce papers.

Only Cain has changed. 

He’s bitter, angry and for a good reason. 

At least that’s what he’s been telling himself for the past six years. 

Cain Bexley had fifteen minutes to destroy his marriage to protect the woman he loved.  He did the only thing he could think of to make her leave. He jumped in bed with a woman. Life at home was a lie. Lives were at risk. 

People are not who they seem. 

Not even Cain’s dad or Calla’s parents are who they say they are. When Calla shows up begging for a divorce. He shows her exactly who he is and no way in hell will he sign those papers. 

What happens when six years later she returns? The only woman he has loved. A woman who has changed herself! When all the lies surface will she be able to forgive everyone she has trusted in her life or will Calla turn to the man who destroyed her? 

My brain finally catches up with the fact I’m naked in front of Cain for the first time in six years. I sit up in a rush of water and bring my knees to my chest, resting my chin on top of them.
“You... you shouldn’t be in here.”
“You wouldn’t answer me,” he says exasperatedly.
“Well, no shit. My head was underwater. That still doesn’t give you the right to just walk in here.” 
“When you don’t answer me when I’m standing right outside of a wide open door, not to mention the fact this is my house... well, then I think I have every fucking right. Don’t you?”
“No, I don’t. You could have just peeked in and seen I was fine and waited. Was this some kind of ploy for you to get me right where you wanted me? Are you so afraid that the minute you turn your back on me I will up and try to leave? Are you going to watch my every move? Or did you have an ulterior motive in suggesting I shower, just so I could strip down naked and you could make damn sure I didn’t go anywhere? So tell me what the hell it is, because this back and forth, hot and cold game you’ve started is really starting to piss me the hell off!”
I glare up at him, not quite able to read his eyes.
What I do know is that the sexual tension between the two of us is so strong, it’s working triple overtime. There’s only one tiny little obstacle in our way... and that would be our past. The fact that I can’t trust him. He broke every bit of it the same day he broke my heart. One of us needs to give in, take charge so we can just fuck and move on.

About the Author:
Kathy Coopmans

Amazon Best Selling Author Kathy Coopmans, lives in Michigan with her husband Tony where they have two grown sons.
After raising her children she decided to publish her first book and retiring from being a hairstylist.
She now writes full time.
She's a huge sports fan with her favorite being Football and Tennis.
She's a giver and will do anything she can to help another person succeed!

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Signed Paperback

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sydney Landon - Watch Over Me

Sydney's books typically have me laughing out loud and this was no exception. I laughed out loud at various times throughout the story. The things the characters say!! 

As true fashion in a HEA, the guy is better than others, seems to treat his heroine like gold and yet the reader knows he's going to do something epic to screw it up! Lol. I Gwen kept waiting for the other shoe to fall. She didn't want to like Dominic as much as she did but she couldn't help herself. He did everything right. He made it impossible for her not to like him and he didn't have to try!   *swoon*

During the book I was yelling at Dom not to listen to his friend! It was bad news but alas, he did it anyway. :) Then of course something else happened...  What a tangled web they weave but it was enjoyable and I can't seem to get enough of the Danvers crew!  I enjoy how the books focus on the one couple, but the reader still gets glimpses into the rest of the couples' lives and sees what they are up to during the course of the current couple's story timeline.   If you haven't read Syndey's Danver novels, you definitely need to! Start at book 1, Weekends Required

Gwen Day has never been lucky in love, but now she’s betting on one man ready to care for her like no one ever has…

Fresh off of the most humiliating romantic disaster of her life, Gwen sees no reason not to get tipsy and throw herself at her sexy bad boy neighbor. But she never expected their one night stand to have consequences that would keep them together...or for his concern to turn into something that feels like it could last.

Dominic Brady has always admired Gwen from afar, and now that she’s single, he has no reservations about saying yes to one wild night. Soon he’s interested in a real relationship. But when their future is uncertain, Dominic is determined to show her that he takes care of what’s his. And that no matter what happens, he’s one man she can’t lose.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Surprise from Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde!

New York Times bestselling authors Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde are bringing you a dirty, sexy, smoking hot SERIES featuring three bad boy brothers bonded by shocking secrets and their damaged past. Sinful, addicting, and unapologetically alpha, these men are every woman's erotic daydream ... And your ultimate dirty fantasy.
Get started with Dirty Sexy Saint and let Clay Kincaid lead you straight into sin!

Surprise Announcement from Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde by Carly Phillips

Date of Publication: January 19, 2016


Dirty Sexy Saint - Releasing on January 19th, 2015

Are you ready to get Dirty Sexy with a Saint?

Clay Kincaid knows he's more a sinner than a saint. Especially when it comes to women. With a rough and damaged past that has left him jaded, he doesn't do committed relationships. But he does like sex–the hotter and harder, the better. He likes it fast and filthy, which is why he refuses to even touch someone as sweet and guileless as Samantha Jamieson. Until he discovers that she likes it just as down and dirty as he does. Let the sinning begin . . .

Stay tuned for more Dirty Sexy books coming in 2016!
Dirty Sexy Inked
Dirty Sexy Cuffed

About Carly Phillips

After a successful fifteen year career with various New York publishing houses, and over 40 sexy contemporary romance novels published, N.Y. Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Carly Phillips is now an Indie author who writes to her own expectations and that of her readers. She continues the tradition of hot men and strong women and plans to publish many more sizzling stories. Carly lives in Purchase, NY with her family, two nearly adult daughters and two crazy dogs who star on her Facebook Fan Page and website. She's a writer, a knitter of sorts, a wife, and a mom. In addition, she's a Twitter and Internet junkie and is always around to interact with her readers. You can find out more about Carly at

Find Carly Phillips Online

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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Larissa Ione - Calm Before The Storm: Episode 5 (Rising Storm)

This story moved fast and was easy to read through.  Marcus has found his way back to Storm and he's not so sure it's a good idea.  Until he sees Brittany Rush again.  He couldn't wait to get back to Montana, until he started spending time with her.  He realized maybe he didn't want to go back right away which shocked him.  He doesn't have a great relationship with his sister, due to her being a daddy's girl.  He and his mom are trying to find a way to coexist after their past ripped them apart.   And Marcus definitely doesn't take crap (or threats!) from anybody.  It'll be interesting to see what happens next!  

I received an ARC for my honest review.  

Secrets, Sex and Scandals … 

Welcome to Storm, Texas, where passion runs hot, desire runs deep, and secrets have the power to destroy… Get ready. The storm is coming. 

Marcus Alvarez fled Storm when his father’s drinking drove him over the edge. With his mother and sisters in crisis, Marcus is forced to return to the town he thought he’d left behind. But it is his attraction to a very grown up Brittany Rush that just might be enough to guarantee that he stays. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jennifer Probst - Steele Brothers series pre-order



Today we are sharing the pre-order links and a giveaway for Jennifer Probst and her Steele Brothers series. This series includes the titles Catch Me, Play Me, Dare Me, and a brand new book to the series, Beg Me! Check out the details below for all the re-release dates. The first book releases next Tuesday!


CATCH ME (Steele Brothers, #1)

Re-releasing October 27th

CATCH ME Synopsis:

Rick Steele has avoided relationships since he caught his fiancée cheating, but when his friend refers him to the exclusive agency, FANTA-C to experience the night of his dreams, he's not prepared for his emotional and physical reaction to his date. Tara shows him a raw passion and honesty he’s never encountered. For the first time, Rick wants more than one night, but he needs to catch her first... Tara Denton escaped a brutal past and needs one night with a stranger to get beyond her sexual and emotional limitations. On the brink of recovering her strength and independence, she wants nothing to do with a relationship. But Rick Steele does more than rock her body…he rocks her heart. Tara has to make a choice, but is she ready to get caught? PLAYMe(Final)

PLAY ME (Steele Brothers, #2)

Re-releasing November 3rd

PLAY ME Synopsis:

Professional gambler Sloane Keller is tired of dating weak willed men and longs to meet a man who challenges her dominant personality and forces her to submit. As the Queen of Cards, she’s used to making her own rules and craves the excitement of Vegas. But her inner heart cries out for someone who can be her match, both inside the casino and in the bedroom. As the new dealer in town, Roman Steele is burnt out on women looking for a quick penny and a man to follow. He craves a woman with fire in her soul and a keen intellect who can challenge him. When his brother recommends the exclusive agency, FANTA-C to give him one perfect night, Rome is amazed at the complicated woman who challenges both his body and soul. But when the evening is over, will she be gutsy enough to 
offer him forever?

DARE ME (Steele Brothers, #3)

Re-releasing November 10th

DARE ME Synopsis:

As a military leader back from the war, and the youngest of his two dominant older brothers, Rafe Steele struggles with a secret. He craves surrender in the bedroom under the controlled hands of a Dominatrix. When his brothers offer him an experience through the exclusive agency, FANTA-C, he jumps at the chance to experience one perfect night. After one experiment, he’s sure he’ll be able to move on. But he never counted on Summer Preston to strip down his walls and make him want more so much more... An elementary school teacher with a girl next door, fresh face, Summer is constantly barraged by men who want to take care of her, but she longs to meet a strong man who can handle her dominant ways in the bedroom. Trapped in her own storybook life, she books a one-night stand to finally experience her fantasy. But she never counted on Rafe Steele to push her boundaries in both the bedroom...and her heart.  


BEG ME (Steele Brothers, #4)

Brand New Release - Coming November 17th

BEG ME Synopsis:

Remington Steele comes to Vegas to be with his brothers and try to get over the one woman he's never been able to forget. As childhood sweethearts, she hadn't been able to handle his Dominant tendencies, choosing to run away without a good-bye. But when he's suddenly face to face with Cara Winters, all grown up and finally ready to be his, Remington needs to make his own choice. To leave the past behind forever, or forgive and be with the woman he's always loved? Cara wasn't ready to be the type of woman Remington needed in his life, so she disappeared and broke his heart. But she's changed, and is ready to embrace the woman she always craved to be. She begs him to take her for one night, and Remington finally agrees. Will they get a second chance at love, or are the scars from their past too deep to heal?



CATCH ME (Steele Brothers series, #1)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo


PLAY ME (Steele Brothers series, #2)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo


DARE ME (Steele Brothers series, #3)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo


BEG ME (Steele Brothers series, #4)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo


Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst - Bio: 

Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again.

She makes her home in Upstate New York with the whole crew. Her sons keep her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean. She is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her book, The Marriage Bargain, was ranked #6 on Amazon's Best Books for 2012. She loves hearing from readers. Visit her website for updates on new releases and her street team at


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