Thursday, October 10, 2019

Katana Collins - Sweet On You review

This book was so much fun to get lost in! I adored Lex and Ronnie! Lex had a past, one that he worked every day to overcome. He realized his mistakes and was trying to right the wrong. Lex was a good man. He was making a life for himself, he cared for his friends and he was interested in Ronnie, even though things in his life were up in the air. Ronnie was a tough nut to crack. She didn’t let many people in. I enjoyed the chemistry between this couple and how realistic life was for them. Sure, they had some things thrown at them that were not your every day but they were adults and handled it as it came. I enjoyed the way Lex and Ronnie cared for each other and did the necessary things to make their lives easier. I adored them and didn't want to leave their world! And now that I know how this book ends, I'm SOOOOOO looking forward to what's next from Katana Collins! Don't let this book pass you by!

Pros to dating Lex Bailey:
Sexiest man I've ever seen
Panty-Melting British Accent
Talented Baker

Cons to dating Lex Bailey:
Turned me down when I asked him out...
in front of my entire family...
at my brother's engagement party.

Oh, and he has a secret. A big secret.

So... no. I don't think I'll be giving him any second chances. But my foster dog? He has other ideas. This dog has issues... and Lex's cat has the cure.

Unfortunately, I'm not exactly a forgive and forget kind of person. And even though both my dog and I appreciate the help, this time, I'm not going to let him get close enough to break my heart. This time, Lex Bailey is staying at arm's length.

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