Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Julia Kent - Fluffy review and excerpt

Release date:  April 30, 2019
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer:  Hang Le
Editor: Elisa Reed
Audiobook narrator: Erin Mallon

An all-new STANDALONE from New York Times bestselling author Julia Kent

It all started with the wrong Help Wanted ad. Of course it did.

I’m a professional fluffer. It’s NOT what you think. I stage homes for a living. Real estate agents love me, and my work stands on its own merits.

Sigh. Get your mind out of the gutter. Go ahead. Laugh. I’ll wait.

See? That’s the problem. My career has used the term “fluffer” for decades. I didn’t even know there was a more… lascivious definition of the term.

Until it was too late. 

The ad for a “professional fluffer” on Craigslist seemed like divine intervention. My last unemployment check was in the bank. I was desperate. Rent was due. The ad said cash paid at the end of the day. 

The perfect job! 

Staging homes means showing your best angle. The same principle applies in making a certain kind of movie. Turns out a “fluffer” doesn’t arrange decorative pillows on a couch.

They arrange other soft, round-ish objects.

The job isn’t hard. Er, I mean, it is — it’s about being hard. Or, well… helping other people to be hard.

Oh, man…

And that’s the other problem. A man. No, not one of the stars on the movie set. Will Lotham – my high school crush. The owner of the house where we’re filming. Illegally. In a vacation rental.

By the time the cops show up, what I thought was just a great house staging gig turned into a nightmare involving pictures of me with an undressed naked star, Will rescuing me from an arrest, and a humiliating lesson in my own naivete.

My job turned out to be so much harder than I expected. But you know what’s easier than I ever imagined?

Having all my dreams come true.

Buy links:

AmazonUS: mybook.to/fluffy
Nook/BN: bit.ly/2CGtnBE
Apple Books: apple.co/2RmE159
Google Play: bit.ly/2COKLmQ

Audible: adbl.co/2KRgFGR

Goodreads: bit.ly/2TjDjqS 
Bookbub: bit.ly/2ThoLrZ

My Review

Fun, sweet, funny read! Poor Mal, while she was super smart, she didn't get some things. And they were important! Life hasn't been treating her kindly and she's found herself at the bottom of the barrel, not to mention has the attention of the boy in high school who captured her heart. This book was laugh out loud funny and swoony. I was captured by Mal and Will. They had to get to know each other as adults and the attraction was palpable. This was a unique, fast-paced story and I couldn't put it down! Be sure not to miss this read.

Author Bio:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three kids in a household where Julia apparently is the only one who possesses the gene necessary to change empty toilet paper rolls.

Social Media Links:

Website:  jkentauthor.com/
Newsletter:  bit.ly/2PIBi9n

Keywords and Themes:
Reunion romance
Second chance romance
Romantic comedy
Office romance

Do you use the proper terms for everything, Mallory?” He makes an inarticulate sound as I peel the gauze off the cut, wiping gently. “You call your pretty place a vulva, right? And you use the word vagina.”

'Pretty place'?”

He shrugs.

And yes, I do. Vulva and vagina. And then there’s the clitoris,” I say primly.

What’s that?”

What’s what?”

A clitoris. Never heard of it.”

I freeze and look down at him. Bright eyes meet mine. Is he serious?

The clitoris is a nerve cluster above the opening to the vagina,” I begin, taking a breath to continue my impromptu human sexuality lecture, because when a man tells you they don’t know what a clitoris is, you educate them immediately.

For the sisterhood. All the women Will is going to sleep with from here on out will thank me later.

He starts to laugh. I’m so tempted to pour the small bottle of isopropyl alcohol directly on his wound, but I’m a kind, compassionate woman, so instead I dab it on with a swab.

OW!” he bellows.


You’re not sorry at all.”

I’m sorry for your sex partners that you have no idea what a clitoris is, Will.”

I know what it is. And my tongue knows how to find one. Blindfolded.”

Why would you blindfold your tongue?"

Jennifer Woodhull - In Other Words release blitz

Today we have the release day blitz of IN OTHER WORDS by Jennifer Woodhull! Check it out and grab your copy now!


Author: Jennifer Woodhull

Genre: Romantic Comedy


Dexter We became close friends in college. When Sinclair returns home to Dallas after two years in New York, I introduce her to my best friend Cole. The good-looking playboy ballplayer is the perfect kind of guy for the woman I'm sure would never be interested in me...even if seeing them together breaks my heart.   Sinclair. He was the nerdy PhD candidate. I was the cheerleader. We made unlikely friends. Moving back home after two years away, he looks hotter than ever. When I start dating his ballplayer best friend, things get complicated. He doesn't see me as girlfriend material...but I can't get him, or my feelings for him, out of my head.

Get Your Copy Today:

Amazon | iBooks | Google Play | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

Exclusive Excerpt:

“She’s so fucking pretty,” Cole says, lolling his head back and forth against the headrest of my Tesla. The phrase irritates the crap out of me. I feel like I want to punch him. Not that I’ve ever punched anyone, but that’s what this feels like—like I want to commit violence against my friend for using such a pedestrian description for a creature as indescribably spectacular as Clair. “I don’t know though, man. She said she’d go out with me, but I’m not really sure she likes me.” Cole shakes his head. “It makes me kinda nervous. Usually, girls love me.” He turns to me and wriggles his eyebrows. “I mean, they really love me. It’s just…I don’t know. She’s different.” “She is different. She’s intelligent, kind, inquisitive, funny...She’s definitely not like anyone else I know.” My response is a knee-jerk reaction in defense of the woman that holds so much of my heart. I immediately regret it saying these things, though. Idiot. Why are you selling him on how great she is? He already got something I’ll never have—a date with her. “What sorta stuff should I talk to her about?” He asks. “What do you usually talk to your dates about?” “I usually say. ‘Hi. I’m a famous athlete. Also, I’m rich and have a huge cock. Let’s go to your place.’ Then they say okay, and we go to their place and fuck. If they’re good at it, I keep going back, and then we’re basically dating.” He shrugs. I pull into the driveway and the gate closes behind us. I drop my head to the steering wheel and let out a long, deep breath. “Cole, let me be clear,” I say carefully. “Clair is my friend. She’s my best friend.” “I thought I was your best friend.” “You’re my best male friend. She’s my best friend.” “So I’m not your best friend? Ouch, bro.” “You’re in the top two.” Only two, really, but that’s not really the point. “That’s not so bad, I guess. Hey, imagine if me and Sinclair got married someday. When you come to visit us, you’d get to see your two best friends at once!” He grins. I’m dying. Oxygen is no longer getting into my bloodstream and my organs are shutting down. It’s the only explanation I can think of for the hell in which I find myself trapped. “Again, Cole, let me be crystal clear. Do not treat Clair like some piece of ass. Don’t just sleep with her if you’re not serious about her.” My words are a caution. He looks at me and his expression is earnest. “I wouldn’t do that, Dexter. I’m not an asshole.” “I know you’re not an asshole. I just mean…” I blow out a breath and turn to him. “I know sometimes you date women and it’s just for fun. Clair is…she’s really important to me. Please don’t use her if you don’t see her as more than someone to go out with a couple of times, then move on from.” I hold his gaze, and he seems to get that I’m serious. “Dude…do you like her? Should I not have asked her out—were you going to make a move?” He asks. The weight of that question hangs in the air for a moment. My heartbeat is so loud, I’m sure any passerby could hear it. The blood courses through my veins with such fervor, I feel as if my arteries will burst. Should I have made a move? I don’t think she’d have been remotely interested in changing the dynamic of our relationship, but I was never brave enough to find out. After tonight, I feel, somehow, like I’ll never get the opportunity to know for sure. “We’re just friends. We’ve always been just friends,” I reply. It doesn’t answer his question, but the subtle ambiguity of my response is lost on my friend. “Okay, I was just making sure. Cause, dude,” he shakes his head. “She’s hot as hell. As long as I’m not stepping on your toes…I’m totally going for it.”    

About the Author:

Jennifer Woodhull is an author of romance with lots of wit, plenty of heat, and lots of heart. She is known for writing immersive settings that take readers to a wide variety of locales around the world. Her heroines are funny, strong make bad decisions, and get in their own way sometimes before finding their path to happiness. Her heroes are driven, funny, sweet, and sometimes complicated. Jennifer lives in Tennessee with her real life book boyfriend and their yellow lab who can be more persuasive than any roguish villain when he's after a snack. A lover of travel, Jennifer has been known to plot novels and write pages of dialogue on her phone from planes, trains, and automobiles (though not while driving, because safety first).   Jennifer's works include her debut Promise Series, the breakout hit The Dating Alternative, and the funny, sexy summer release, Sour.

Connect with Jennifer:

Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub

Enter Jennifer’s Giveaway:

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Maya Hughes - The Perfect First release

Title: The Perfect First
Author: Maya Hughes
Genre: New Adult Romance
Cover Design: Najla Qamber, Qamber Designs
Release Date: April 25, 2019

“How long do you last in bed?” Those were her first words to me, swiftly followed up with, “And how big would you say you are?”
Cue the record scratching, what?!
Persephone Alexander. Math genius. Lover of blazers. The only girl I know who can make Heidi braids look sexy as hell. And she’s on a mission. Lose her virginity by the end of the semester.
I walked in on her interview session for potential candidates (who even does that?) and saw straight through her brave front. She’s got a list of Firsts to accomplish like she’s only got months to live. I’ve decided to be her guide for all her firsts except one. Someone’s got to keep her out of trouble. I have one rule, no sex. We even shook on it.
I’ll help her find the right guy for the job. Someone like her doesn’t need someone like me and my massive...baggage for her first time.
Drinking at a bar. Check.
Partying all night. Double check.
Skinny dipping. Triple check.
She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. The walls I’d put up around my heart are slowly crumbling with each touch that sets fire to my soul.
I’m the first to bend the rules. One electrifying kiss changes everything and suddenly I don’t want to be her first, I want to be her only. But her plan was written before I came onto the scene and now I’m determined to get her to re-write her future with me.

Author Bio
Maya Hughes can often be found sneaking in another chapter while hiding in the bathroom from her kids! :-) I’m a romance writer who loves taking inspiration from everyday life, namely my husband and biggest fan. Inspiration also strikes when I hear a song, meet someone new or daydream while at soccer practice.
I’m the mom of three little ones, the wife to an amazing husband and also work full time. Some of my favorite things are cinnamon rolls, white wine, laughing until I can’t breathe and traveling with my family.

Author Links

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Erika Kelly - The Careless Boyfriend review and excerpt


From award-winning author Erika Kelly comes the third standalone title in her smoking hot series about four elite athlete brothers raised in the Tetons by their eccentric, billionaire dad and uncle, The Bad Boyfriend Series! Don’t miss your chance to meet the swoony Gray Bowie in THE CARELESS BOYFRIEND! Grab your copy today!


Gray Bowie broke the bro code: he fell in love with his best friend’s girlfriend.

For years, he hid his feelings…until one terrible night, it all came to a head.

Since her life blew up in high school, Knox Holliday has spent her time honing her skills as a couture wedding dress designer. But, just weeks before her debut, a freak accident wipes out her collection. The culprit: her ex’s former best friend, Gray Bowie.

Gray does everything he can to get her career back on track. As they work together, they find forgiveness and start to stitch together something that looks a lot like love. But, at the very moment they realize they have a chance for something real, her ex comes back to town, bringing opportunities Gray can’t provide.

This time, Gray’s not going to step aside, so he can only hope Knox will hold onto his heart.

She’s his dream, but will he be hers?


Grab your copy of THE CARELESS BOYFRIEND in eBook or paperback today!

Amazon | Apple Books | Kobo | Barnes & Noble

My Review

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED this book! I literally couldn't read it fast enough and I didn't want to do anything (you know, like stop and eat) that took me away from it. Gray crashes into Knox's life and completely turns her world upside down. I loved seeing these old friends find their way back to each other and watching their adult relationship evolve. Gray wants to be there for Knox and support her. She always saw him for who he was and he knew he could be himself around her. She was there for him when they were growing up and she stands up for him now. They have to get to know each other again, but they have a past they can't forget. Some things are harder to let go than others. I enjoyed the support between the two of them and the respect they have for each other. They only want to help, not hinder. Gray is so sweet and caring and he gave me ALL.THE. FEELS. But the nefarious things happening made me SO MAD! I had to know what was going to happen. I enjoyed the way Erika lets the reader know SOMETHING is up, but doesn't give it all away. She hints at it, bit-by-bit. I love a good second-chance story and this one scooped me up and didn't let me go. I think this is my new favorite book in this series! Please don't let this book pass you by!


And don’t miss the first two standalones titles in The Bad Boyfriends Series, THE WORLD’S WORST BOYFRIEND and THE HEARTLESS BOYFRIEND! Grab your copies today!




He went into freefall, like flying off the edge of a cliff and hoping like hell he landed on a patch of snow and not rock, but he forged ahead. He’d hidden the truth long enough. “I have loved you since I was six years old. Every second you spent holding Robert’s undeserving hand, every time you got into his truck and drove off with him, it felt like ripping my heart right out of my chest.”
Gray.” It was the most vulnerable he’d ever seen her, and it touched him.
“But now I’ve had you to myself, I can promise you that whatever I felt back then doesn’t come close to how I feel about you today. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”
“I think so.” Her voice came out light as dust.
But she didn’t trust it. “Then let me make it clearer. It’s more than liking you, which I do. I like your passion for your work, your drive and ambition. I like the way you are with Zach, Amelia, Callie and Delilah, the way you really listen to them. It’s also more than being attracted to you, which I am.” Anxiety covered him like a fog. Exposing himself to a woman who didn’t feel the same way…it could not turn out well. But like hell if he wouldn’t take his shot. “It’s that my cells are formatted for you. My heart…” How did he explain it? “My heart beats in rhythm with yours. I loved you as a boy, but as a man who’s spent time with you, kissed you…this is a whole other level. You might’ve imprinted on me as a kid, but you’re in my blood now. Whether you want me as a man or a business partner or as nothing more than a friend, I’m committed to you. To us.”
Beneath the wariness, the thrill of his message shimmered in her eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”
Then he’d stop talking and show her. Tipping her chin, he lowered his mouth to hers. He kissed gently, wanting her to feel how much he cared about her. But the minute her lips softened, parted, and he got a hint of wet heat, he licked inside, and that damn pounding in his blood to own this woman, body and soul, overtook him.
Her scent filled his senses, hurling him back in time to dry summer days when they’d hiked the Bowie Pass, after school in her trailer, laying side-by-side on her bed, feet braced against the wall, as they’d held stupid and hilarious conversations through her Etch-a-Sketch. 
To the kiss in the hotel room, when she’d lost control and clung to him with desperation.
To the other night on the trampoline, her hips twisting, fingers pulling his hair. The sounds she’d made from his touch. 
With the clatter of rain on the roof, he lost himself in the intimacy of the moment, the privacy…the seclusion. He deepened the kiss, his tongue searching for acquiescence…surrender. 
Want me, Knox. Want me as much as I want you
Oh, dammit. He’d said it out loud, his voice, deep, growly, like a command.
Everything changed in that moment. She got up on her toes and threw her arms around his neck. “I do.” She pressed closer to him, her plump breasts on his chest, her hips shifting restlessly over his painful arousal. “God, Gray, of course I do.”
His body rejoicing in the invitation, he caressed down her slender back and over the rising slope of her bottom. When she gave a desperate moan, he lost it. Clutching those firm, round cheeks, he held her tightly to him, bending his knees slightly, and rocking up into the space between her legs.
With a wild look in her eyes, she wrenched her mouth away and said his name on a sigh. “I’ve never felt anything like this. It scares me, Gray. It scares me so much.”
“I got you. I swear…I got you.” Trust me.

About Erika Kelly: 

Award-winning author Erika Kelly has been spinning romantic tales all her life--she just didn't know it. Raised on the classics, she didn't discover romantic fiction until later in life. From that moment on, she's been devouring the genre and has found her true voice as an author. Over three decades she's written poems, screenplays, plays, short stories, and all kinds of women's fiction novels. Married to the love of her life and raising four children, she's lived in two countries and seven states, but give her pen and paper, a stack of good books, and a steaming mug of vanilla chai latte and she can make her home anywhere.            

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Newsletter Signup ** Erika Kelly Goodreads

Erika Kelly’s THE CARELESS BOYFRIEND – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:

April 22nd
Hopeless Romantic – Review & Excerpt
Obsessed with Romance – Review & Excerpt
Reads & Reviews – Review & Excerpt

April 23rd
BookedMercy – Review
Jennifer Mitchell, Bibliolater – Review & Excerpt
Ree Cee's Books – Review & Excerpt
The Reading Cafe – Review & Excerpt

April 24th
Books According to Abby – Review & Excerpt
Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Melena's Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Sofia Loves Books – Review & Excerpt

April 25th
Book Addict Reviews – Review
The Butterfly Reads – Review & Excerpt
We Do What We Want Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt

April 26th
Adventures in Writing – Excerpt
Becky on Books – Excerpt
Defiantly Deviant – Review
From the TBR Pile – Review & Excerpt
Randa's Rants and Books – Review & Excerpt

April 27th
Book Loving Pixies – Excerpt
Ginreads – Review & Excerpt
Renee Entress's Blog – Review & Excerpt
Tangents and Tissues – Excerpt

April 28th
Bookishly Yours – Review & Excerpt
Nerdy Dirty & Flirty – Review & Excerpt

April 29th
Cat's Guilty Pleasure – Excerpt
Heartbeats Between Words – Review & Excerpt
Reviews from the Heart – Review & Excerpt
True Story Book Blog – Review & Excerpt

April 30th
CoensK Reviews – Review & Excerpt
My Book Filled Life – Review & Excerpt
Sweet Red Reads – Review & Excerpt
Wicked Babes Blog Reviews – Review & Excerpt

May 1st
3 degrees of fiction – Excerpt
Brittany's Book Blog – Excerpt
Next Book Review – Review & Excerpt
Reading in Pajamas – Review & Excerpt

May 2nd
Anne & Melissa's Book Love – Review & Excerpt
For The Love of Romance Books Blog – Review & Excerpt
Naturally Nerdy Books – Excerpt

May 3rd
Coffee Shop Reads – Review
KDRBCK – Review & Excerpt
Spellbound Stories – Review & Excerpt

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Kendall Ryan - Junk Mail review

Junk Mail, a hilariously sexy standalone by New York Times bestselling author is live and available everywhere.

It all started with a sexy selfie. 🍆

A deliciously naughty, tell-everyone-you-know read!

About Junk Mail

It all started with a sexy selfie. Texted to the wrong number. Oops. Not my finest moment—but I have nothing to be ashamed of. She thought I was no better, and I quote, than the knuckle-dragging douche-bags she was never dating again. It was a stupid dare from a girl I’d met online, but since she’d given me a fake number, I didn’t feel bad that my interests were suddenly focused elsewhere—on the fiery and sharp-tongued, Peyton that I found myself sparring with over text for the rest of the evening. The following day, my case of mistaken identity came back to bite me in the banana. When I strolled into the office, I was introduced to Peyton as the new client I needed to win over. The Peyton, in case you're not tracking. And let’s just say she had my full attention. Brains? Check. Beauty? Oh yeah. And the best part? She hated me on sight. Dear God, do I love a challenge. Let the games begin.

Buy Now

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My Review

This was such a sweet, swoony read! I really enjoyed Peyton and Josh's story. I was laughing at the way in which they "met." I enjoyed the immediate chemistry (and embarrassment) these two had. They had chemistry in spades but they were working together. We all know how that goes, amirite?! They shouldn't, but yet that chemistry is undeniable. They just clicked and I loved how Josh was also willing to help Peyton's Gram in a time of need. She was a spitfire and Josh wasn't afraid of her. She was a hoot and I loved the excitement she brought to Peyton's life. I thought their relationship was sweet and was definitely unique. If you love a fast-paced, swoony, ALL-THE-FEELS read, then be sure to grab your copy today! 


About Kendall Ryan

 A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of more than three dozen titles, Kendall Ryan has sold over 2.5 million books and her books have been translated into several languages in countries around the world. Her books have also appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists more than 70 times. Ryan has been featured in such publications as USA Today, Newsweek, and InTouch Magazine. She lives in Texas with her husband and two sons. Visit her at: www.kendallryanbooks.com for the latest book news, and fun extras. Subscribe to the newsletter: www.kendallryanbooks.com/newsletter/

EL James - The Mister available now


Beautiful and mysterious she possessed little more. . .

Than a dangerous and troublesome past.

THE MISTER, the highly anticipated new love story from #1 New York Times bestseller E L James is available now!

the mister hi res 1.22.19

London, 2019. Life has been easy for Maxim Trevelyan. With his good looks, aristocratic connections, and money, he’s never had to work and he’s rarely slept alone. But all that changes when tragedy strikes and Maxim inherits his family’s noble title, wealth, and estates, and all the responsibility that entails. It’s a role he’s not prepared for and one that he struggles to face.
But his biggest challenge is fighting his desire for an unexpected, enigmatic young woman who’s recently arrived in England, possessing little more than a dangerous and troublesome past. Reticent, beautiful, and musically gifted, she’s an alluring mystery, and Maxim’s longing for her deepens into a passion that he’s never experienced and dares not name. Just who is Alessia Demachi? And can Maxim protect her from the malevolence that threatens her? And what will she do when she learns that he’s been hiding secrets of his own?
From the heart of London through wild, rural Cornwall to the bleak, forbidding beauty of the Balkans, The Mister is a roller-coaster ride of danger and desire that leaves the reader breathless to the very last page.

Download your copy today:
AppleBooks: apple.co/2HjnVsb
Amazon Worldwide: mybook.to/TheMister
Google Play: bit.ly/2HixZSr
Amazon Paperback: amzn.to/2TzCEWE
Audible: amzn.to/2u3HU5x

E.L. James

E L James is an incurable romantic and a self-confessed fangirl. After twenty-five years of working in television, she decided to pursue a childhood dream and write stories that readers could take to their hearts. The result was the controversial and sensuous romance Fifty Shades of Grey and its two sequels, Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed. In 2015, she published the #1 bestseller Grey, the story of Fifty Shades of Grey from the perspective of Christian Grey, and in 2017, the chart-topping Darker, the second part of the Fifty Shades story from Christian’s point of view. Her books have been published in fifty languages and have sold more than 150 million copies worldwide. E L James has been recognized as one of Time magazine's "Most Influential People in the World” and Publishers Weekly’s "Person of the Year.” Fifty Shades of Grey stayed on The New York Times Best Seller List for 133 consecutive weeks. Fifty Shades Freed won the Goodreads Choice Award (2012), and Fifty Shades of Grey was selected as one of the 100 Great Reads, as voted by readers, in PBS’s The Great American Read (2018). Darker has been long-listed for the 2019 International DUBLIN Literary Award. She coproduced for Universal Studios the Fifty Shades movies, which made more than a billion dollars at the box office. The third installment, Fifty Shades Freed, won the People’s Choice Award for Drama in 2018. E L James is blessed with two wonderful sons and lives with her husband, the novelist and screenwriter Niall Leonard, and their West Highland terriers in the leafy suburbs of West London.

For more information about E L James, visit:
Twitter: bit.ly/2XTO0TM
And Instagram: bit.ly/2TO6vdd

Monday, April 22, 2019

Georgia Cates - Beautiful Ever After cover reveal

Beautiful Ever After (Beautiful Illusions Duet #2) by Georgia Cates
Release Date: May 7th
Amazon: amzn.to/2UuviPC
B&N: bit.ly/2XvUtTQ
Kobo: bit.ly/2UuuSsw
Apple Books: apple.co/2Uw62c2

Everything in my life has changed. This woman, my paid companion, has turned my world upside down … while making it right for the first time ever.
We were brought together by need. Hers was money. Mine was companionship. And sex.
Caitriona Louden gave me the girlfriend experience. All of it. And now she’s gone.
I’m not supposed to miss her. I’m not supposed to love her. But I do. Both.
Our contract expired, and she walked away. Now my world is falling apart without her in it. Because she is my everything.
A fairy-tale romance. It’s ours to have. And this woman I’ve come to love so dearly is my beautiful ever after.

About the Author:
Georgia resides in rural Mississippi with her wonderful husband, Jeff, and their two beautiful daughters. She spent fourteen years as a labor and delivery nurse before she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an author and hasn’t looked back yet.
When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing. When she’s being domestic, she’s listening to her music and visualizing scenes for her current work in progress. Every story coming from her always has a song to inspire it.