Saturday, April 29, 2017

Charlotte West - Good Lies groupie swag bag giveaway

About Good Lies:

Releasing May 8th, 2017

If Warren Price was gasoline, I'd be a lit match.

Addison Wanks, rock ’n’ roll’s favorite daughter, is good at keeping secrets. Secret One She’s responsible for the long-standing feud between her father’s band, Wanks and Janks, and younger band Wild Minds. She may or may not have let Wild Minds’ sexy bad-boy lead singer Warren defile her backstage at a concert. Okay, she totally did. Secret Two She’s supposed to be attending college but instead skips town to follow Wild Minds on their European tour. Addy adores Warren Price. Secret Three Europe doesn’t go so well. Her sexy lead singer turned out to be king of a**holes. He’s arrogant, demanding and controlling. Addy loathes Warren Price. Oh, well. Secret Four Fast forward a few years and Addy is planning to attend her father's farewell tour when she hears the news—Wild Minds is back in the good graces of Wanks and Janks. The two bands will be headlining together. This is going to make avoiding Warren difficult. Especially since it seems Warren doesn't want to be ignored. He also doesn't want a divorce. That's right, Addy is married to the Wild Minds front man. Shh. Don't tell. What will happen when all Addy’s secrets are revealed?


About Charlotte West:

  Charlotte West writes romance about strong heroines and the sexy alpha males who love them. She lives in Washington state with her husband and very large dog (think miniature pony size). She spends way too much money on books, and way too much time reading. When she’s not reading, she’s feeding her reality television addiction, eating chocolate, or traveling. She's been known to consume her weight in Girl Scout cookies. She has a degree in Science and a Master's in Education, neither of which she is currently using but is still paying for. Occasionally, she moonlights as a YA author.


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Goodreads Book Giveaway

Good Lies by Charlotte West

Good Lies

by Charlotte West

Giveaway ends May 08, 2017. See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Groupie Swag Bag Giveaway


Special Opportunity:

ARC team sign up, read the book weeks before publication! Join Charlotte's ARC Team.


My phone chirped with an incoming text. I smiled at Pete, Officer Daniels, and held up the phone. “I’ll just be a minute. It’s probably Billy.”
Pete let go of the restaurant door he’d been holding open for me. “He still mad you didn’t let him come for graduation?” After spending the summer with Pete’s family, I’d decided to stay for my senior year, a decision my father didn’t understand and still wasn’t happy about.
“I think he’s coming around,” I said. Billy had wanted to attend to my high-school graduation. But the thought of my famous father in small town Beaverton, Oregon near all my friends figuratively made me break out in hives.
Pete nodded. “All right, but don’t take too long. We’re excited to celebrate with you.”
“Got it.” I smiled brightly. My gown fluttered in the early summer wind, I’d left my cap in the car. “Tell Gabe to save me a seat next to him.” Pete and Mel’s son Gabe had graduated with me and was set for a full-ride football scholarship to OSU. As for me, I’d be off to New York in a few weeks to attend college. Strolling the sidewalk, I peeked at my phone. It wasn’t my father.  

Mystery number: Hi.
Me: Hi. Who’s this?
Mystery number: Warren Price. Remember me?  

If it’s possible for your heart to fall straight out of your chest, mine did.  

Me: Yeah. How’d you get my number?
Warren: I know people who know people.
Me: Huh?
Warren: It’s the digital age, babe. Not hard to find someone’s phone number. The right YouTube video and I could give myself a vasectomy.
Me: Would you really do that?
Warren: What?
Me: Give yourself a vasectomy?
Warren: Hell, no. But I could.
Warren: You still there?
Me: It’s been a long time.
Warren: Sorry about that. Been thinking about you, though.
Me: Yeah?
Me: I don’t think this is a good idea, you and me talking. Billy doesn’t want us to be friends. Warren: I disagree. I think this is the best idea I’ve ever had. Besides, last time I checked we were a little more than friends. What you been up to?
Me: In a nutshell? Billy sent me away to live in BFE. Since then… Went to school dances. Drank my first bottle of peach schnapps. Saw Twilight four times.
Warren: Damn. That’s a lot of living for a small town.
Me: I know. Mind blown, right? How about you, what have you been up to?
Warren: Got booted from Billy’s celestial limelight just like you, working the dive bar circuit again.
Me: Ouch. Sorry.
Warren: Not your fault.
Warren: Shit. Got to go. About to the take the stage at a honkey-tonk in Nashville. This should be interesting. We don’t play country.
Me: All right.
Warren: Okay if I text you again?
Me: Thumbs up.
Warren: Did you just text me the words: thumbs up?
Me: Yep. My emoji button is broken. Sad face.
Warren: Okay then.
Me: Okay.  

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Jettie Woodruff - Good Kinda Crazy release blitz

Front Cover

Good Kinda Crazy by Jettie Woodruff is now live on Amazon!!

Introducing the talented and beautiful cover model, Jenna Lynn!!!

I would like to tell you a story about true friends, change, and real love. This is deeper than a love story, this is a connection you can’t possibly explain without first experiencing it, a love rarely found. When all I wanted to do was go home and put it all behind me, one chance meeting sent me in another direction. I traveled a road I could have never imagined.
Before you invest your time in our story, I should warn you, these people aren’t like your typical friends. These kinds of friends are few and far between. If you don’t believe in love at first sight, or second chance love, then you should probably skip our story.
I was written in him, he was written in me, we were written in the stars.
My hope is that you go into our story with an open mind and like me, find something life-changing you can take with you. Because one person believed in me, I didn’t give up. I became someone I didn’t even know I wanted to be.
For her. For him. For me. For us. For humanity.


"You naughty lil minx 🙈 Atlantis is one very lucky girl, definitely got my heart racing and I say no more." 😉 "My husband may be buying YOU flowers tomorrow!" "Ok so as much smut as I've read in the past 5 years, how has NO one ever mentioned this??It's the hottest thing I've read in a long time and it's not even dirty. It's real, the connection...I literally felt it right along with her. I'm definitely intrigued and want to learn more about it." " I just finished chapter xx. Blow me away omg I can't even describe what I feel it was so intense makes me really think." "It's so amazing I don't want to miss a single word and for people who are unaware of the truth this is an eye opener."


"Another life changing, eye opening book by Jettie Woodruff."
"...this book is about opening your mind to other possibilities. Not always conforming to what society has deemed "the norm", being your true self."
"Phenomenal, eye opening, life changing book."
- Louisa, Goodreads Review
" It will truly get you to think. This is not your typical love story. It is more about the love you can find by opening your horizons."
-Vanessa, Sassy Southern
"Wow! Mind blown! I went into this book thinking it was one thing, only for it to be a completely different story that I have ever read."
" I have never come away from a book so open-minded in my life."
"So, Thank You Jettie for giving me the boost that I needed!" - Brandi Maye Reads
"This is one of my all time favorite books!"
"I highly recommend this book! A definite must read! - Jenny Shepherd *Magic Beyond The Covers Blog*
"Wow!!! What a powerful story about love and second chances." - Paula Genereau
[gallery ids="1800,1799,1779" type="slideshow"] Excerpt
"I learned it was okay to just be me. I learned we’re not all the same and we’re not supposed to be. Most of all, I learned to love with all my heart and soul."
Good Kinda Crazy by Jettie Woodruff, ©2017
"Everyone deserves that kind of love, including me. The kind of love where you spend every single day building each other up. The kind of love where even a five-minute quickie behind a tree is more than just sex. The kind of love where cutting up veggies and doing the dishes together is a form of foreplay. The kind of love where kissing is your favorite thing to do. The kind of love where you can’t be near each other without touching. The kind of love where you connect so deeply it’s almost painful, in a good kinda crazy way. The kind that entwined our souls in and out of the Universe. The kind even death couldn’t separate."
Good Kinda Crazy by Jettie Woodruff, ©2017
Buy Links

Don't miss our release party on April 29th, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., EST.

Good Kinda Crazy Release Party on Facebook

Guess what is free on Amazon from Friday-Sunday (4/28-4/30)???

Book one in this series (all books in the series are HEA Stand Alone Reads),

Peace Love Resistance by Jettie Woodruff

PLR cover
About the Author
I've always been a writer and a storyteller, or a bullshitter as my dad would say, but I've never written what should be read. I'm very good at writing what my readers want me to write, but I did that. Now I want to write what they need to hear. If I can write a love story and entwine it with a little life advice to help make this a better place to live for all of us, then that's what I want to be a part of. My first book since deciding to be a part of the solution and not part of the problem is Peace, Love, Resistance. Why the change when I was doing so good? You get what you put out and I want to read and write what I want back. Simple as that.
Author: Jettie Woodruff
Editor: Tiffany Landers
Proofreader: Jillian Elizabeth Crouson-Toth
Cover Model: Jenna Lynn
Cover Designer: Claudia Bost with CWB Designs
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Hosted by: PA In A Pinch
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~Have You Heard?

Lexi Blake - Arranged review and excerpt

ARRANGED - Tour banner    

arrangedKash Kamdar is the king of a peaceful but powerful island nation. As Loa Mali’s sovereign, he is always in control, the final authority. Until his mother uses an ancient law to force her son into marriage. His prospective queen is a buttoned-up intellectual, nothing like Kash’s usual party girl. Still, from the moment of their forced engagement, he can’t stop thinking about her.

Dayita Samar comes from one of Loa Mali’s most respected families. The Oxford-educated scientist has dedicated her life to her country’s future. But under her staid and calm exterior, Day hides a few sexy secrets of her own. She is willing to marry her king, but also agrees that they can circumvent the law. Just because they’re married doesn’t mean they have to change their lives. It certainly doesn’t mean they have to fall in love.

After one wild weekend in Dallas, Kash discovers his bride-to-be is more than she seems. Engulfed in a changing world, Kash finds exciting new possibilities for himself. Could Day help him find respite from the crushing responsibility he’s carried all his life? This fairy tale could have a happy ending, if only they can escape Kash’s past…


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My Review

Not gonna lie, I love arranged marriages and I love me some Lexi Blake! I knew this book was going to be banging but she got me in the FEELS, ya'll! I've read the last word and find myself with a book hangover.  I'm still fairly new to Lexi and I've only read a couple of her Masters and Mercenaries series, and I know there's a lot I need to catch up on, but I like how she doesn't make new readers feel lost.
That being said, hold on to your seats because this book packs a huge punch! There's so much going on in this novella. I devoured it and didn't want to put it down. I was lost in Kash and Day's world. I enjoyed how their journey started and how we see what happened to them years ago and then get into present day. The McKay-Taggart team has their work cut out for them with Kash and his family. Not only are family struggles taking place and monarchy troubles, but Kash has to learn about himself, too. Day brings out the best and worse in him and he has to make a decision.  Their story is sweet, beautiful and I wanted to wrap myself in their journey. I loved this book so hard! I think the reader will learn with Kash what he needs and see how he forges a new path, in many ways. Don't let this book pass you by! Go! One click right now!

“Are we a happy couple?”

“I don’t think we’ve had time enough to be sure of that yet, but I know we were once.” She’d thought it through in a way she never had before. She had a much different view of those months with Kash in England. “You were courting me back then, weren’t you? You wanted me to be your girlfriend.”

He sat down in the plush chair that dominated the sitting area portion of his bedroom. Normally they stayed in the living room, but he’d wanted more privacy. This was the only place in his suite that wasn’t covered by CCTV, the only place where they could truly be alone. Everything about the space was masculine and decadent, including the man himself. With his hair disheveled and his chest on display, it wasn’t hard at all to see him as a primal male.

One she’d dearly enjoy taming.

“I don’t think you realized it at the time.”

She was willing to admit her faults. “I didn’t. I had my nose in a book most of the time back then and I had little experience with men. No, I had no idea you were interested in me beyond copying my notes from class when you slept in.”

“It would surprise you to know that I often thought about sleeping in with you.” His voice had gone low and gentle. “I was crazy about you back then, Day. I find myself in the same position today, but I don’t want to scare you. I know you think we should take this slow and I will honor your wishes, but I want this marriage to work. You see me as a playboy, but I don’t want to be some forty-plus player who trades on his money to keep young girls around him. I think it might be time for me to find out if I can be the king my father would have wanted me to be.”

It was all she needed to hear. If he wanted to try, she was ready. Despite his reputation, she’d fallen right back into a peaceful friendship with him. He’d been the old Kash, supporting her when she needed it. He’d asked her questions about her work with the education department and then gave her ideas on how to handle the parliament. He hadn’t told her what she should do. He’d suggested, debated.

“I think you’ll find me less averse to giving this marriage a real try than you think. I was planning on talking to you about using the Palm Ceremony to begin to explore what we could be as a couple.”

He frowned. “I’m not sure what that means. You want to talk? Or have counseling? Because that sounds terrible.”

“I was talking about sex, Kashmir. I thought we could use this time to see if we’re sexually compatible.”

He popped up out of his chair like an eager puppy. “Yes. I think that is a brilliant idea. We should start now. Don’t worry. I intend to be gentle with you.”

She didn’t move at all. “Like you are with your lovely flowers?”

“Women deserve a man’s care,” he said quietly. “Day, I can’t erase my past.”

“I don’t want you to.” He misunderstood her problems with his statement. “But I do need you to understand that I’m not one of those flowers. I’m not here to sit at your side and bat my eyelashes in the hopes that you’ll buy something for me. I don’t work like that. I don’t care about your money.” 

“That is easy for you to say. You’re about to have access to all of it, aren’t you?”

He had a point. “Even if I wasn’t, that wouldn’t be why I would want you, Kash. Sit down. We have some things to talk about before we get started. Come here close to me.”

He moved to the chaise she was sitting on, lowering himself down with a sullen frown. “I knew there would be talking.”

She was fairly certain his lovely flowers did very little talking, but he would get used to it. “Why did you want me back then?”

“I liked you. I liked talking to you. I liked being around you. I rather liked who I was when I was around you.” His expression softened. “I don’t think you knew how alluring you were to someone like me. You didn’t understand how beautiful you were, so you didn’t use it against me. Most women do.”

“Well, that happens when you surround yourself with women who are mostly valued for their looks. I don’t blame them. They’ve been told their beauty is the only thing worthy about them. If you want to meet women who don’t feel that way, you should probably expand out of models and actresses.” 

“Well, you would be surprised how many gorgeous, sexy physicists turn me down because I’m not smart enough for them.”

NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog int eh world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance and urban fantasy that she found the stories of her heart. She likes to find humor in the strangest places and believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome, or foursome may seem.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Janet Nissenson - Serenity release blitz

Release Promotion  
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Matthew Bennett has suffered the worst sort of betrayal a man can ever know, and he’s trying to put his life back together after years of unhappiness and emotional neglect. He desperately needs the care and devotion of a good woman, someone who will not only erase the hurt he’s experienced, but help him cope with the tremendous stress and responsibility he endures daily as the CEO of a multibillion dollar corporation. Through the yoga classes that she teaches, and her successful massage practice, Sasha Fonseca spends her days helping others improve their health and wellbeing, and also learning to combat stress. She leads a simple but serene life, content with the little she has, but shies away from any sort of long term commitments or serious relationships. Her unconventional upbringing has also made her fiercely independent, and she won’t let anyone try to mold her into something she’s not ever again. Sasha is enlisted to help Matthew in a professional capacity, but it isn’t long before she finds herself drawn to him on an emotional and physical level as well. With a woman like Sasha in his life, Matthew finally believes he’s found the happiness that’s eluded him all these years. But will his scheming, soon-to-be ex find a way to destroy him once again, or will he get the happy ending that he deserves?

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serenity - about the author
Janet is a lifelong resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, and currently resides on the northern California coast with her husband Steve and Golden Retriever Max. She worked for more than two decades in the financial services industry before turning her focus to producing running events. She is a former long-distance runner, current avid yoga practitioner, is addicted to Pinterest, likes to travel and read. She has been writing for more than three decades, with her first book in the Inevitable Series - Serendipity - published in December 2013.
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